Project based learning in a real life learning environment

Project outline
PopUpCollege is an innovative vocational learning environment where learning takes place outside the school walls. The initiative secured project funding for the years 2017-2019 from the Finnish National Board of Education.

Business College Helsinki, Stadin Ammattiopisto, Salon Ammattiopisto
Responsibilities as a project coordinator
• Designing the learning environment and pedagogy
• Designing a personal development curriculum 
• Working as a coach
• Creating marketing materials (website, posters, videos, blog posts etc.)
• Taking part in the project administration

What is PopUpCollege? Video presenting the learning environment and pedagogy.

The pedagogy behind PopUpCollege lies in project based learning in teams. The learning environment is located in a real life business environment where students gain their study credits by offering services to clients. 

Student teams take responsibility in running the projects independently, while a coach helps them to achieve their goals.

The PopUpCollege environment is built for two months at a time, and each environment is designed taken the student feedback into consideration.

Because PopUpCollege is an innovative learning environment, different approaches in pedagogy and digital learning tools are experimented. The project has been collaborating with third party service providers like Microsoft and Linda AI coach.

PopUpCollege coaching path that supports students' professional and personal growth.

Digital learning badge granted for students for project management skills.

Poster marketing the application for the PopUp learning environment in the Redi Shopping centre, Helsinki.

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